Contest by Coromon
Ian submitted an entry Cuburg, Frost-ted, Blizzkrieg 6 years ago
Cub + Iceburg Frosted + Teddy Blizzard + Blitzkrieg
timpop submitted an entry Polcub, Chillursa, Blizzkuma 6 years ago
Ben submitted an entry Snowmatot, Frigdeen, Blizmapapa 6 years ago
By Magnasword2
Rodrigo submitted an entry Boberatu's entry 6 years ago
Small one - Sneach (derived from "sneachd" which is gaelic scottish for snow, would be pronounced like "Snich") Medium one - Riojey(from Manx language that means frost) Big one - Breyfe (derived from a mix of two words in Manx language, "Feayr" means frigid and "Brey" means bear.)
John submitted an entry Pupold, Frear, Snoroaem 6 years ago
Pup+(C)old; Fr(ost)+(B)ear; Sn(ow)+roa(r)+(gol)em
Bryant commented on Poulder6 years ago
Dont have a clue on the other two though. Poulderbar Poulernaut?
Bryant submitted an entry Poulder 6 years ago
Like polar and boulder
timpop submitted an entry Polcub, Chillfrost, Kumaurora 6 years ago
Ardyn submitted an entry Nantha, Bearmint, Marnamel 6 years ago
nanook + mentha, bear + spearmint, maritimus + enamel
Mock submitted an entry Frospup, Iciclaw, Tundroar 6 years ago
Snopup: frost + pup Iciclaw: icicle + claw Tundroar: tundra + roar
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