Contest by Coromon
To thank our loyal followers we would like you to have some input as well, by coming up with a cool name for three stages of the Ice Coromon seen in the image. You can submit your ideas here, naming the Coromon from left to right.
For example you can submit: miniMonster, mediumMonster, bigMonster
We will put out a poll with our four favorite names, and then you can decide on the final name!
Ian submitted an entry Cuburg, Frost-ted, Blizzkrieg 6 years ago
Cub + Iceburg Frosted + Teddy Blizzard + Blitzkrieg
timpop submitted an entry Polcub, Chillursa, Blizzkuma 6 years ago
Ben submitted an entry Snowmatot, Frigdeen, Blizmapapa 6 years ago
By Magnasword2
Rodrigo submitted an entry Boberatu's entry 6 years ago
Small one - Sneach (derived from "sneachd" which is gaelic scottish for snow, would be pronounced like "Snich") Medium one - Riojey(from Manx language that means frost) Big one - Breyfe (derived from a mix of two words in Manx language, "Feayr" means frigid and "Brey" means bear.)
John submitted an entry Pupold, Frear, Snoroaem 6 years ago
Pup+(C)old; Fr(ost)+(B)ear; Sn(ow)+roa(r)+(gol)em
Join your friends and see which name ideas they have posted.