Contest by Coromon
To thank our fans we would like you to have some input as well, by coming up with a cool name for the evolution of Bittybolt! You can submit your ideas here.
The first stage was a fanmade design:
We will put out a poll with our four favorite names, and then you can decide on the final name!
Javier submitted an entry Thampiger 3 years ago
Thampiger because of Thunder, Amps or Amperer and tiger
Kyle submitted an entry Dynabolt, Fitrobolt, Magnabolt 3 years ago
Dynamic + bolt, fulgur(lightning) + tonitruum(thunder) + bolt, Magna(large) + bolt. Bolt is from Bittybolt's name but can also be volt.
Nick submitted an entry BittyBub 3 years ago
He definitely says "Bub" in his owm language (pretty sure my other entry didnt go thru)
Bittybolt and its evolution
Join your friends and see which name ideas they have posted.